Elon Musk makes a statement on AI at the Breakthrough Prize

The Breakthrough Prize, known as the “Oscars of Science,” celebrates major breakthroughs in the basic sciences, mathematics, and life sciences. Founded by emblematic figures of technology, each year this prize recognizes scientists who have made an exceptional contribution to understanding the world.

Elon Musk’s Speech: A Plea for AI Honesty

At the recent Breakthrough Prize ceremony, Elon Musk addressed a crucial topic: the development of artificial intelligence (AI). According to him, training AI involves prioritizing truth and curiosity, which is essential for the good of humanity. Musk emphasizes the need for AI to be trained to be honest, even when the truth is not popular, highlighting the “Galileo test” as a poignant example.

Galileo’s Test: A Historical Lesson for Modern AI

Galileo, having once defended scientific truth against the erroneous beliefs of his time, serves as an example in Musk’s speech. If an AI had been present at that time, it might have held the false belief that the sun revolves around the Earth if it had not been programmed to seek the truth. Musk emphasizes that AI must be able to recognize the truth, even in contradiction to popular opinion, to avoid perpetuating errors and biases.

The Need for Truth-Based AI

Currently, no AI is fully capable of discerning the truth autonomously without being influenced by bias or popular pressure. This limitation represents a significant challenge for AI developers. Musk is calling on the tech community to consider this requirement for truth and curiosity when designing future AI systems.

A Future Designed on Ethical Principles

Elon Musk’s speech at the Breakthrough Prize reminds us of the importance of ethical principles in the development of AI. By promoting an approach centered on truth and curiosity, Musk hopes to steer the future of AI toward a path that not only advances our technological understanding but does so in a way that is responsible and beneficial to all humanity. His intervention is a call to think deeply about the values ​​that we wish to integrate into the technologies of tomorrow.

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