This Tesla owner activates the autonomous driving function to go to the emergency room

Technology has often been praised for its prowess and its impact on daily comfort, but it is rare to hear about technology that takes on a life-saving dimension. This experience with a Tesla Model Y and its fully autonomous driving function on the morning of April 2 is a striking testimony to the futuristic reality we are experiencing.

A Night of Distress

“The situation could have turned dire when my insulin pump malfunctioned, leaving me with severe dehydration and an alarming glucose level of 670. At that critical moment, I had to rely on Full Self-technology. Driving (FSD) of my Tesla Model Y.”

FSD Function to the Rescue

“Without any hesitation, Tesla’s FSD functionality, just unlocked on April 1, was activated with a simple double-click. She took the reins to lead a race against time, covering the 13 miles that separated me from much-needed medical help. »

Reactions and Repercussions

News of this unprecedented event spread like wildfire on social media. Elon Musk himself expressed his gratitude on 𝕏, delighted to see his client in good health. The original post captured global attention with over 20 million views. In an official acknowledgment, Tesla’s account shared the story with the evocative title: “FSD V12 helped owner get to the hospital when he needed immediate medical attention.”

A Technology That Redefines Possibilities

In addition to technological prowess, it is the capacity to react in emergency situations that was highlighted. This story highlights the potential of autonomous technology in scenarios where every second counts.

Tesla beyond Driving

This story goes beyond a simple anecdote; it embodies the very essence of innovation which serves life. The transition from traditional cars to autonomous cars has proven its vital importance.

“Today I look at my Tesla and I see more than a means of transportation; I see a guardian angel equipped with four wheels and remarkable artificial intelligence. I thank Elon Musk and the Tesla team for their commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology, and the Charles George VA Medical Center for their prompt assistance. My story with Tesla is not only crazy and true, it is also a source of hope for the role of autonomous vehicles in our society. »

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