Why take advantage of the May holidays to install a charging station?

Why take advantage of the May holidays to install a charging station?

The month of May in France is synonymous with sunny days, mild temperatures, but above all bridges, these public holidays which follow one another, offering long weekends for the greatest happiness of workers. But, beyond the pleasures of relaxation, it is also the ideal time to install an electric charging station at home. Here’s why.

Would you like to know more about charging stations?

Free time and flexibility

The May bridges offer an extended period of time, conducive to small projects that are often postponed due to lack of time. Installing a charging station requires a few hours of work and supervision. The days in May, less busy with professional obligations, offer the opportunity to plan and supervise this installation.

Do you want to install a charging station at the best price?

Preparing for summer vacation

With the summer holidays fast approaching, it is crucial to ensure that the electric vehicle is ready to go on a trip. A home charging station allows you to leave with peace of mind, knowing that the vehicle is fully charged. It also avoids queues at public charging stations on motorway rest areas.

Bonus for installation

Taking advantage of the May public holidays to install a charging station is also an excellent opportunity to benefit from the financial aid available. In France, several government schemes support the installation of home charging stations, making it possible to significantly reduce the total cost.

What you need to know about the new tax credit

On May 4, 2024, a decree published in the Official Journal defined the conditions for benefiting from the new tax credit, now increased to €500, for the installation of a controllable charging station at home. In accordance with article 200 quater C of the General Tax Code, this credit is retroactive to installations carried out since January 1, 2024.

To be eligible, the terminal must be equipped with a type 2 base or connector and capable of temporarily modulating power according to pricing signals from electricity suppliers and distribution network managers. It must also be connected to the electricity meter or to the Internet, to receive tariff signals and allow precise modulation of power.

This increase in the tax credit facilitates the transition to electric mobility by making the installation of charging stations more affordable and by simplifying the administrative process, thus strengthening the accessibility of electric vehicles.

Respect the environment

Installing a charging station at home encourages more regular use of electric vehicles, helping to reduce the carbon footprint. By preparing now, you can actively contribute to the energy transition during daily travel and long journeys.

Increase in real estate value

A charging station installed at home adds value to your property. For owners considering selling in the future, the presence of a charging station can be a major asset for potential buyers, who are increasingly interested in electric vehicles.


In short, the May holidays are an ideal time to take the plunge and install a charging station. Whether it’s taking advantage of free time, preparing for vacation, taking advantage of financial incentives or improving the value of your property, this decision is part of an approach that is both practical and eco-responsible.

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