259 parking spaces equipped with solar panels

At Merklingen station in Germany, an ecological innovation is taking place: a solar charging park with 259 spaces for electric vehicles. This ambitious project, powered by solar carports, marks a turning point in EV charging infrastructure, providing globally unrivaled simultaneous parking and charging capacity.

A record charging fleet

Merklingensmall town of Baden-Württemberg, is now distinguished by the largest charging parking lot in the world. With 259 charging pointsit narrowly exceeds the Shenzhen installation, which had 258. However, unlike its Chinese counterpart which offers fast charges, Merklingen relies on charges of 11kW powered by alternating current, adapted to the needs of daily commuters.

Multimodality and sustainability

The charging park is designed for travelers combining car and trainwith some Estimated charging times between four and eight hours. Sustainability is enhanced by a photovoltaic installation covering the entire car park, capable of producing up to 900,000 kWh of renewable energy per yearwith a surplus supplying the local network.

An investment for the future

L’Swabian Alb Regional Association, at the origin of the project, envisages an electric future. With a forecast that the majority of parked vehicles will be electric in around ten years, the park is an infrastructure ready for the development of e-mobility. The total cost of the project exceeds four million euros, with a significant contribution from the state of Baden-Württemberg.


The Merklingen charging park is more than just a parking lot: it is a realized vision of sustainable mobility. By combining electric charging and solar energy production, this initiative is hailed as an accelerator for e-mobility in the region, a model for the charging infrastructures of the future.

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Your opinion interests us ! What do you think of this German initiative? Is this the future of electric vehicle charging? Share your thoughts and stay tuned to Tesla Mag for more green mobility innovations.

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